How much do assistant NFL coaches make? Shocking truth

Written by NFL Exclusive

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NFL is one of the most popular sports leagues in the world. There are millions of fans of the NFL around the globe. Its market capture can be seen by the number of fans and the activities in which people are involved.

As it is the world’s biggest and most famous game, its salary also skyrockets. You will be shocked to see the salaries of the involved person in it. One of them is the NFL assistant coach. Have you ever wondered how much do assistant NFL coaches make? Or How much do assistant NFL coaches make per year? 

Assistant coaches play a huge role in the success of any NFL team. They have a lot of contributions to the development of the team. They guide players, escort them, and they take care of other things related to coaching. Especially in sports, other than NFL also, it is important to have an assistant coach to lead the team in every area of the game, so the responsibility should not fall on the head coach only.

However, many people are only familiar with the salaries of coaches and players but are unaware of the salaries earned by assistant coaches. Through this article, we will make you aware of NFL assistant coaching salaries as well as talk about their contribution to the team.

How much do assistant NFL coaches make per year?

NFL is a huge league in America as well as all over the world. There are a total of 32 teams in the NFL and all of them have their own coaches and head coaches. The main job of the assistant coach and the head coach is to guide the team properly, take the team to a new height and win the matches by guiding the team properly. 

How much do assistant NFL coaches make?
How much do assistant NFL coaches make?

Be it any sport in the world, everyone needs a coach. Without a coach, it is difficult to run a team by the country, franchise, or anyone. An assistant coach is specially required so that the team gets more attention. Whenever the head coach is on leave, the assistant coach is the head coach of the team at that time.

NFL is sometimes also considered a game of money as it is one of the top-paying games all over the world. An assistant coach in the NFL is paid around $100,000 to $400,000 annually. Salary in anything keeps increasing and decreasing according to experience and skill. Experienced and skilled assistant coaches earn high salaries in the NFL. This salary varies from team to team, with some teams paying their assistant coaches more and others slightly less. 

Assistant coaches’ salaries are not set by the NFL, it is set by the individual teams. However, the salaries of assistant coaches in the NFL have increased significantly over the years. In 2017, the average salary per season for NFL assistant coaches was between $150,000 and $175,000.

Assistant coaches working for the Dallas Cowboys were paid $301,710 per season as of March 2019 alone. Gradually all teams started increasing the salaries of their assistant coaches.

How to get a job as an assistant NFL coach?

Becoming an NFL assistant coach takes a lot of hard work, talent, and ambition. Sometimes luck is also needed with it.

Click Here: Assistant Coach Job

Apart from this, first of all, you can start from high school. You can start gaining experience when you’re in high school and grow your skills from there. This will give you a lot of experience. Second, get a bachelor’s degree in a related field, as this is what is required.

The next step is to Fill out an application to become an assistant coach, but you must have a lot of experience coaching a team or assisting a coach. You can slowly work your way up to the college level, in small positions, or start coaching someone.

How much do assistant NFL coaches make?
How much do assistant NFL coaches make?

Frankly, this only is not enough. As we said above sometimes despite everything, your selection is not done, luck does not support you. Sometimes, people who know someone from the staff or are related to a player, or employee, get an extra value.

Also slowly start increasing your identity, meeting people, talking to them, try to know them. Try to give a good performance whenever you get a chance. Try to impress other coaches, and team officials with your actions, and skills.

You can also build relationships with coaches and individuals in the NFL community by attending coaching clinics, networking events, and joining coaching organizations. With this, people often recognize you and when the opportunity comes, your name may come to their mind. If you will develop a good image and do the job passionately, you can get a chance.

Who can apply for the assistant NFL coach?

Anyone who fulfills all the essential qualifications, experience, and skill requirements can apply for the NFL Assistant NFL Coach position. Applications are open to former NFL players, current or former college coaches, anyone with coaching experience in sports, and other individuals with expertise.

How much do assistant NFL coaches make?
How much do assistant NFL coaches make?

Although the process is similar to the position of NFL assistant coach. Different teams may have different requirements. A team’s experience requirements may differ. The rest of the things like your leadership skills, communication skills, etc. should be very strong.

Coaching at the NFL level is considered the pinnacle for football coaches. You should have a good ability to handle pressure as it is a very high-pressure game.

What are the other sources of income for assistant NFL coaches?

While NFL assistant coaches can earn a hefty salary from their coaching, they also have several other sources of income. NFL assistant coach salaries can also vary with experience. Along with the job of NFL assistant coach, they also do many other jobs or say they get offers.

How much do assistant NFL coaches make?
How much do assistant NFL coaches make?

They get promotion offers from big companies. Companies ask them to promote products, and in return, they pay them a hefty amount. They promote sports goods, shoes, etc., and earn huge amounts of money.

Assistant coaches are invited and paid to speak at coaching clinics, conferences, or other events. These programs can be online or offline.

NFL assistant coaches can write books about their experiences, write articles for publications, work with them, and get paid handsomely in return.

NFL assistant coaches may also serve as commentators for NFL games or analysts for television networks or are sometimes paid on their own.

Sometimes NFL assistant coaches start their own businesses like sports academies or training programs and that earns them a lot of money and also gives them a lot of experience.


Lastly, the salaries of assistant coaches in the NFL can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors such as experience, position, team, and team success. While head coaches and coordinators earn higher salaries, assistant coaches typically earn less. Salaries for assistant coaches can range from approximately $300,000 to over $2 million per year, although these figures are approximate and subject to change.

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Q. How much do assistant NFL coaches make?

An assistant coach in the NFL is paid around $100,000 to $400,000 annually. Salary in anything keeps increasing and decreasing according to experience and skill.

Q. Who can apply for the assistant NFL coach?

Anyone who fulfills all the essential qualifications and experience, skill requirements can apply for the NFL Assistant NFL Coach position. Applications are open to former NFL players, current or former college coaches, anyone with coaching experience in sports, and other individuals with expertise.

Q. What are the other sources of income for assistant NFL coaches?

Along with the job of NFL assistant coach, they also do many other jobs or say they get offers of brand endorsements, public speaking, etc.

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